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Who Are We?

The Bay Area Writers' League (BAWL) was started in late 1986 by ten writers who lived in the Houston Bay Area near the Johnson Space Center. They were mostly NASA engineers and their spouses. 

BAWL held its first formal meeting in April 1987. BAWL's first writing conference occurred in March 1989. We have been meeting continuously since then, coordinating many conferences, workshops, and hosting monthly guest speakers for Houston and Galveston area writers.

In 1997 BAWL became a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit corporation chartered by the State of Texas. Renewal of this status is currently pending.

Today BAWL members are all over southeastern Texas and beyond.

Member volunteers offer various services to the writing community. We host write-ins, publish a yearly anthology, distribute a monthly newsletter, post announcements regarding member's accomplishments, continually update our resources list, and provide a place for sharing ideas and information in our Member Forums.

What is a Write-In?

It's a meeting of writers who join together to write. Why would a writer do this? To force himself to write: if that is what it takes to get a move-on in his work. You don't have to write alone.

It is a set time to write with other writers. A write-in can break writer's block, build confidence, inspire that creature in your brain that has to write and has fallen out of the habit, help you share your thoughts with people who have been there, or a write-in will call out your muse if she is hidden or lost.

Most writers struggle with some or all of these problems: real characters, thought-provoking ideas, storylines, plot essentials, style, and sometimes finding their true genre. Write-ins help writers, which is why Write-ins have been a part of the Bay Area Writers League for many years. It keeps you trying: even if it is the only time you write. Life often gets in the way of creativity, no matter your creative field. Visual artists often paint or draw together, to learn from each other, and be inspired to continue practicing their craft. At a write-in, writers do the same.

Join us and grow your skills and learn to whip out that muse at a moment's notice. You can do it. We are here to help.

We welcome writers of all genres and styles, all levels of experience, and all types of writers – fiction, non-fiction, poetry. We always provide a prompt, and some of us read what we have written at the end. You can write whatever you are currently working on and read or not read – your choice. Sometimes, just being in the presence of other people writing, will help to keep you going or get you started and on your way. It's akin to a writer's fix.

We are meeting online now. You don't even have to get in your car and go to a meeting place. If you are new to Zoom, then email for an opportunity to practice first and if, you want to join us and need the login connection, email Becky

Our main write-in is once a month on the third Saturday at 3:00 pm for two hours. Starting June 8, 2020, we began holding Write-ins every Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. We are in the process of updating our write-in time by polling members for what works best for them. Currently in addition to the third Saturday, the Monday / Wednesday events are now being held at 9:30am.  Go to our EVENTS page and register to write with us.

We have in-person events on the fourth Wednesday evening of each month where we have a speaker. Member Debi Fairchild has been lining up speakers as of January 2024. Please register for those events which are open to the public.

Get Involved!

Bay Area Writers League has many opportunities to join with other area writers to improve your craft, meet contacts, keep motivated and have fun. If you want to get to know us first: join us at one of our Write-ins online. See above.

Besides the monthly activities we are always looking for opportunities where we can leverage our organization to benefit the members.

The Bay Area Writers League annual Anthology is being planned for 2024. A member is being requested to volunteer to lead that effort for this year. See our Anthology and 2023 Anthology Rules pages for more details about what happened last year.

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